Luxurious Living

Don’t Buy Luxury, Create it!

Contrary to popular belief, luxury in life need not be bought, it can be created. The truly luxurious things in life, seldom require money at all.

As an artist in the blogosphere, what is my message? Well, not surprisingly, my message is about creativity. The world needs more creativity. Why? Because creativity solves problems. Creativity enriches life. Creativity brings joy and satisfaction to both the creator and those with whom the creation is shared. And because a creative life is a luxurious life. (You can read my Artist Statement here.)

Let me explain. Most of the time luxury is associated with money. And perhaps there is some truth to that idea. But that is not what I’m talking about. Creativity makes life better. Creativity makes the ordinary extraordinary. Creativity makes the old new again. Creativity envisions, inspires, motivates and produces. But it doesn’t end there. That’s the magic of creativity. As the old adage says, creativity can never be used up because the more you use, the more you have. Creativity is the ultimate natural resource.

And here’s the secret: Everyone has their own limitless supply, a creative well which will never run dry. It is a well which can be drawn from endlessly, any time, anywhere. Perhaps your creative well is rusted from neglect. Luckily, the pump can always be primed.

  • My motto is “Live Luxuriously, Be Creative.”
  • My message is that luxury has little to do with money and everything to do with being creative.
  • My mission is to inspire and teach others to enrich their own lives by unleashing their creative powers.

Since you’re here on my website, you’ve undoubtedly seen my tagline: “Living Luxuriously as a Starving Artist.” I can attest to the fulfillment that comes with doing what you love, even if it’s not viewed as practical. It is certainly a luxury.

If you are creative like me, I have no doubt you have already experienced this, and you know that nothing gets the creative juices flowing faster than being inspired by someone else’s creativity. I look forward to connecting and collaborating.

If you are skeptic, let me prove it to you. I can promise you that once you open the creative flood gates, your life will never be the same again. I’m not necessarily saying it’s easy. Creativity is work. There’s an old saying: Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. This is false. It is a subliminal message that work is a nasty, evil conspiracy that makes our lives miserable. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the sentiment meant by the message. Believe me, there are plenty of tasks that are not fun, that I just plain do not enjoy doing, but that are still a part of life. But that’s not what I’m talking about either. Work, the right king of work (and with the proper mindset I might add), can be richly rewarding, but it is still work with all the blood sweat and tears implied by the idea of work. However, creative work is a work that is fulfilling. It is a work that is never drudgery even when the immediate task at hand is unpleasant. Because when we live creatively we have a whole new mindset. Work becomes about accomplishing goals. Work is about creating something that didn’t exist before. It is about production. And that too is a luxurious way to live.

The new, the extraordinary, that which brings pleasure and fulfillment, all these are luxury. Where creativity is found in abundance, luxury inevitably follows. I’m excited to share more about how creativity can enrich life. Additionally I’ll share my own creative experiences, both successes and failures, in the hopes of getting your own creative juices flowing. Here’s to a luxuriously creative life!

What are the obstacles to creativity in your life? Share in the comments and let’s conquer them together.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Buy Luxury, Create it!”

  1. Agree 100% “creativity can never be used up because the more you use the more you have. Creativity is the ultimate natural resource.” I’m working on the motivation to be creative so that when I do use those powers I’ve built up lots of it! Sometimes it’s hard to get back into the creative swing of things after you’ve not been in school and taking painting and creative classes where motivation is built into the environment. A bit of self-motivation is necessary for me right now. Thanks for the post!

    1. You’re welcome, and thanks for the comment! I’m glad it resonates. I can relate to the need for motivation and the necessity to “get in the creative groove.” Creativity is work, but it is also richly rewarding.

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